Monday, March 24, 2008

A day at the park

Josiah took his first trip to the park on Sunday afternoon. It was a little cool and windy, but he did well just the same.

Thumbs are for wimps!

Our little one thinks thumbs are for wimpy babies. He sucks his whole hand (or at least as much as he can get in there) instead!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More video

Lately the swing has been a favorite. Josiah particularly likes watching the Tucan on the mobile while he swings.

Oh no! JJ got lost in his onesie!


We went to the pediatrician last week for our 8 week checkup so we have new stats for those of you keeping track at home.

Weight: 13 lbs, 1 oz (90th percentile)
Length: 24 in (90th percentile)

The many faces of JJ

Talking to Daddy...

Checking out Mommy...
Communicating clearly with Daddy :-)
So cute! Is he not the cutest thing ever?

This is JJ's preppie outfit :-) We get teased for this one, but everyone thinks he is cute.
Sleeping JJ...
Sleeping JJ...
Awake JJ!!!
Josiah loves bath time :-) Mommy is very happy that he likes the water :-)
JJ does NOT like getting out of the bath and dried off! Now who does that remind you of?...